Matthew? Really??
When looked at in a historical and spiritual context, the seemingly simple passage in Matthew 9:9 where Jesus says to Matthew "Follow Me" explodes with meaning. Chris explores the significance of this passage as well as what it means for the lives of all disciples of Christ.
The True New Testament
What would you say if someone asked you the question 'What is the New Testament?' The answer, as understood by the early church, will likely surprise you. In this reflection, Chris explores the true meaning of the New Testament and the implications it has on the body of Christ.
The Incredible World of “In”
In this reflection, Chris helps us look into the amazing new world that is available to believers in Jesus Christ while also elaborating on the scriptural meaning of eternal life.
Perichoresis and the Trinity
As a follow-up to his reflection on 'The Incredible World of "In,"' Chris discusses the concept of perichoresis in an attempt to understand the Trinity in a deeper way.
The Prosperity Gospel
Is the "Prosperity Gospel" being preached today consistent with the gospel preached by Jesus Christ? This reflection explores today's Prosperity Gospel message in light of the entirety of scripture while also suggesting how a layperson may want to think about material possessions in today's world.